Ed Hoppe's Message
This page will give the viewers an insight of Ed's Galleries both in Wisconsin & Puerto Rico. Other titles will be Product images of some of his work, prints can be ordered online. The galleries will illustrate what Ed can offer to his clients in the way of digital images and ways to improve on the overall results to fit the needs of his clients. Achieving results as economically as possible simply by photoshop alteration options, rather than always trying to do it all on camera, which can be very time consuming. Ed is able to get the desired results using any method; "on camera" or by using his skills with a little help in photoshop. Most of the gallery images contain captions with a short description to add interest to the images.
Ed's primary studio is located in the north woods of Boulder Junction, Wisconsin, a second location in Rincon, Puerto Rico. He has been shooting in both locations for over thirty-five years now. Please, view his galleries as he has a variety of images relating to both locations. The first group of images gives his viewers a glimpse into his Location and Advertising samples. A second group of images covers his studio work, food, people, nature and product photography. The third group of images illustrates a before and after sample of a table top image of a cheese gift box. An attactive presentation of your product will bring more clients to your site. (Alterations can be done on an hourly or flat rate.)
First Group: Ed's Editorial & Advertising sample shots on location:
Second Group: Studio Samples
Three of the images below contain incorporated backgrounds to give a little more interest and to enhance the presentations. The shots with added backgrounds were; seafood, stake, and hunter on an autumn hunt. Ed used some of the stock images that he gathers during the year - both in Wisconsin and Puerto Rico. The image of the stake and sunset combination was importaint as the image was made into a table tent for the famous Villa Cofresi Hotel; the island in the sunset will be reconized by their guests. The hunter was photographed in the studio for controled lighting and the background of his beautiful stock image was added. The seafood was prepared by Ed's client & Ed's wife. The client was Riverside Seafoods! Good Folks!
Third Group
The two boxed food images are basically exposed in the same manner. The first image was taken as a sample to give any client a rough idea of how their product will look if shot "as is". There are times when Ed shoots for "layout" or a "rough", as we call it. It gives both the photographer and client an opportunity to analyze what steps would be best to improve the overall appearance of their product.
The second image in this third group was adjusted in photoshop and some additional prepping was done. ( A flower was added ) the product became or further improved & identifiable by the vibrant colors by a little additional time. Ed mentions that today with digital photography options, its best to decide what the client would like to see in the final shot before going too far into mutable images of similar set-ups ! Ed can match the second image on camera without the option of photoshop, but in most cases its best to alter in photoshop to save time, money, plus have more flexibility during the shoot.
Ed will sometimes shoot on a reduced layout day fee to help his client decide what direction is best for them. Clients have it much better these days as some photographers are becoming better at prepress, retouching, and even printing, all helping the client save time. Ed says that he is very flexible and can help by offering his clients many "options" when shooting a product assignment. Contact Ed with your questions.

The Cover shot below, is a studio shot of a gun, photographed with controlled lighting and then assembled with one of Ed's stock images of a duck hunter in the background. The two images complement each other very well, plus you have controle over lighting when stripping the images; really eliminating wheather problems.
In this photo, the client had other options for backgrounds, hunting ducks, deer, or other scenics relating to the product... in this case, the gun. Ed has many impressive beautiful nature images that can be used for this application

Give Ed a call if he can help jump-start your next project by offering his services: photography, stock photo, assignments, rough layout ideas, food, table tents, packaging ...as well as printing services. We can provide great images for hunting, fishing, snow scenes and the best fall images from our north woods. It is our wish to help you satisfy your outdoor promotional and photographic needs.
Our stock files relate to our area in Wisconsin as well as Puerto Rico. Please feel free to send us your "want list" of images. If you have a layout, and are still looking for that last shot to complete your Ad, give us a call. It will be a pleasure to assist you.
We provide bilingual services in English and in Spanish to help you satisfy your Latino-Spanish speaking clientele. Rosa, my wife, was a bilingual teacher and Spanish is her dominant language. A great asset for the cultural and language needs in your promotional presentations.